

Bu sitede; Doğru'ya, Güzel’e ve İyi’ye adanmış bir ömrün, şu an için sizle paylaşmak istediği bulgular yer almaktadır.


Bugüne kadar, çeşitli yanılgılar içinde bulundum, hatalar yaptım. Ama; bu hatalar, bilgi eksikliğinden, yanlış bilgiden veya insani yargılama hatalarından doğan dürüst hatalardı. Ahlaki bir hata yapmadım.


Realiteyi görmezden gelmedim. Zihnimdeki yargılama yeteneğini, kişisel duygularıma, heyecanlarıma, arzularıma ve korkularıma teslim etmedim. 


Dolayısiyle, burada bulacaklarınız titiz düşünce süreçleri sonucu varılmış zihni zenginliklerdir. Kendi bulgularınızla çelişen yerlerde, elbette, son hakeminiz, kendi bağımsız yargılama gücünüz olacaktır…


Metinler İngilizce ve Türkçe karışımı halinde olacaktır. Zaman yetersizliğim ve İngilizcenin bugün sahip olduğu konumun verdiği cesaret, her şeyi Türkçe verememin sebepleri; bunun için bazı ziyaretçilerin affına sığınırım.


Bu sitede tasvir ettiğim fikirleri, başka yollarla da yaymak için, pratik hayata tatbik edilebilecekleri hayata geçirebilmek için, bireysel ve siyasi çabalar içindeyim. Bu çabalarımda, tavsiye ve desteğinize her zaman ihtiyacım olacaktır.


Huzurlu günler dilerim,


Sabahattin Sakman  




Hello …


This site includes some of the findings of a life dedicated to the True, the Beautiful, and the Good.    


So far in my life, I have erred and made mistakes on various occasions. But, such mistakes have been honest mistakes, caused by lack of knowledge, defective knowledge, and humanly slips of judgements. I have not made moral mistakes.


I have not evaded reality. I have not submitted my faculty of judgement to my personal emotions, passions, desires, or fears.


Therefore, what you will find here is a wealth of human mind reached through painstaking processes of thought. In what you find contradictory with your own findings, your arbiter will of course be your own independent judgement.


This site is in a mixture of languages, Turkish and English. I apologize for not being able to be bilingual due to lack of time. 


I have been struggling to propagate the ideas I described on this site through different means as well -through individual and political activities. Your advise and support will always be needed in my endeavor.


Remain in serenity,


Sabahattin Sakman  







İlkokul öğretmeni bir anne ve subay bir babadan, 1949 Zonguldak, Çaycuma doğumlu.


Fatin Hoca İlkokulu (1960, İstanbul), Selimiye Askeri Ortaokulu (1963), Kuleli Askeri Lisesi (1966), Kara Harb Okulu (1968, 665 subaylık mezuniyet devresinin ikincisi), Topçu Okulu (1969), İstanbul Üniversitesi-İşletme İktisadı Enstitüsü (1976) mezunu.


Altı çocuk babası.




1982-Halen: Aralarında aşağıdakiler de olan şirketlere Bilgi İşlem Danışmanı:

                          John Deere, Wisconsin

                          IBM Corp., Minneapolis, Minnesota

                          The New York Times, New York

                          Metropolitan Life, New York

                          Yapı Kredi Bankası, İstanbul.


1996-Halen:Liberal Demokrat Parti Genel Başkan Yardımcısı


1997-1998 : KANAL E, Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı, Haber Yorumcusu.


1987-1988 : Yazar (Çeşitli makaleler ve felsefe üzerine bir kitap), İstanbul.


1979-1982 : Proje Müdürü

                     United Bank, Madison, Wisconsin.


1979          : Sistem Analist/Programcı

                    Webcrafters Inc., Madison, Wisconsin.


1976-1979 : COBOL and RPG Programlama Dilleri Öğretim Elemanı

                     Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, İstanbul.


1974-1979 : Bilgi İşlem Müdürü

                     Türk Demir Döküm Fabrikaları, İstanbul.


1972-1974 : Ankara ve İstanbul Sıkı Yönetim komutanlıklarında siyasi tutuklu.


1969-1972 : 2. Zırhlı Tugay Topçu Alayı, Batarya Komutanı, İstanbul.




• Kültür, Felsefe ve Siyaset konularında dergi ve gazete makaleleri yazarlığı:


      ¶ Onbeş günlük fikir ve haftalık haber dergisi Yeni Gündem'de yayınlanmış olan ve aralarında "Anti-Arabesk Histeri ve Müzik Politikamız" ve "Öztürkçecilik Açmazı ve Dil Üzerine Bir Triyalog" gibi bir dizi tartışma başlatan yazılar da olmak üzere çeşitli çalışmalar.


      Yeni Forum dergisinde yayınlanmış beş uzun makalesi, Prof. Atilla Yayla’nın hazırladığı ve aralarında Rand, Popper, Hayek, Fukuyama gibi düşünürlerin eserlerinden seçmeler bulunduran, "Sosyal ve Siyasal Teori" isimli kitaba dahil edildi (Hacettepe Üniversitesinde yardımcı ders kitabı). 


      ¶ Amerikan eğitim sisteminin problemleri ve çözüm yolları üzerine Dr. Güldal Sakman’la birlikte yazdığı Principles of Education” isimli İngilizce bir kitap manuscripti.


      "Rasyonel İnsanın Felsefesi" isimli bir kitap.


 • Klasik Batı ve enternasyonal folk müziği.


 • Briç ve Satranç.








          Over 25 years experience in Data Processing, from analysis and programming to management. Proud to be known by his colleagues as a software guru who has always remained hands-on at technicalities of program development even when he managed large projects. Claims to develop well-structured, reliable systems/programs within timeframes well below industry standards. In the projects he managed or  participated, he has done not only the essential software tasks of the application very effectively thus facilitating the work of others but also become an integrating technical force for the project team and saved the development process, if not from technical impossibilities, from long delays through extending his expertise to team members working in other areas.

          Extraordinarily effective in partnering with business leaders to formulate strategic and immediate IT solutions to streamline existing business processes and to launch new products swiftly.

          Aware of the possibility of the cost of using IT going out of control easily: a. makes best use of existing inventory of resources; b. keeps himself in possession of leading-edge understanding of new technology, and, free from fads, acquires it only when there is a definite business need;  and c. being an astute selector and trainer of good people, can produce large amount of quality software with the contribution of an absolute minimum.

          While a strategist with a profound understanding of global matters, from world politics to corporate trends, has kept himself as a formidable tactician ready to take contests with young enthusiasts of technical realm. A keen observer of corporate politics, he does not allow his work to be the victim of departmental rivalries, by establishing cordial relationships with parties involved, while protecting its integrity from the disturbances of petty concerns.




     BS in Military Science (Artillery & Missile), 1968, Army War College, Ankara, Turkey.

               (Magna cum Laude of the graduating class of 665 cadets)

     MBA, 1976, University of Istanbul‑Turkey.




     1982-Present: President of Software Development and Consulting Corporation

                            Providing software services continuously and primarily for John Deere Credit

(From 1982 thru 1995)

(John Deere Credit is the credit arm of John Deere Company, one of the world's largest manufacturer of agricultural machines.)


                    Architect and Developer of John Deere Credit Card, serving 1.5 million card-holders.


(As Sakman Software Company, after developing and implementing the system, served as the only software provider for the company from 1982 through 1987. After1987, chose to cease to work as an outsourcer, but has been retained by them as a contractor. Has been instrumental in the selection of their mainframe and hiring of their key IS employees. Also developed two LAN based systems: 1. Budgeting System, and 2. Data Entry and Unattended Transmission (to mainframe) System.)


                    • Also contracted for the following companies:


                      Association Credit Plans Inc., Madison, Wisconsin

                      United Bank, Madison, Wisconsin

                      Valley Bank, Madison, Wisconsin

                      Tri‑State Breeders, Baraboo, Wisconsin.

                      IBM Corp., Minneapolis, Minnesota

                      The New York Times, New York

                      Yapı Kredi Bankası, İstanbul


     1997-1998: Deputy Chairman of the Board of TV Channel E

(A private broadcasting company specialized on economy and stock market news.)

                  • Prepared and delivered news commentaries, oversaw news and computer activities.


     1979-1982: Project Manager of United Bank, Madison, Wisconsin

(Then Wisconsin's third largest bank)

                 • Designed and programmed the following:


                   1. A Merchant Accounting System, a subsystem to their Mastercard/Visa processing system.

                   2. A new Mastercard/Visa Billing System (Statements, etc.)

                   3. A new Mastercard/Visa Plastic Card Reissue System

                   4. A Safety Deposit Box Accounting System


                 • Modified and Implemented (after developing conversion programs) the following Packaged Banking Software: 1. Certificate of Deposit; 2. Savings; 3. DDA (Checking)


               1979:  Programmer/Analyst of Webcrafters Inc., Madison, Wisconsin

                                 (An offset printing house for sophisticated printing like Playboy magazine)

(Visiting from Turkey)


                 • Converted Accounts Receivables/Payables, Inventory, and Payroll applications from a card-based system to DASD-based system.


     1974-1979: DP Manager of Turk Demir Dokum, Istanbul, Turkey

(A multi-plant manufacturer of cooking and heating equipment with the biggest cast iron foundry in Europe,with 2500 people in its production plants.)

(Rapidly advanced from Programmer Analyst to Manager, then highest title in IS.)


                 • Run day-to-day operations of the entire Information Services department.


                 • Designed and developed systems for the following applications: 1. Cost and General Accounting; 2. Payroll; 3. Inventory and Sales Analysis


                 • Adapted and Implemented a Packaged Production Control System.


                 • As manager-on-duty, once every other week, represented the general manager during the 800-worker second shift operations of the factories, and intervened, when necessary, for the resolution of production problems on manufacturing plants at multiple locations.


     1976-1979: COBOL and RPG Programming Languages Instructor

                   University of Bosphorus, Istanbul, Turkey


                 • Concurrent with his job as a DP manager at a factory, taught systems analysis and programming through COBOL and RPG languages.




     IBM 30xx/43xx Series, ES 9000

     IBM System 3x Series

     Unisys‑Burroughs B, V, A-series, Univac 1100

     Datapoint 15xx LANs





     Languages: COBOL (OS/VS, II, Microfocus), RPG II, FORTRAN, BASIC, DATABUS,

                    ASSEMBLER, PL/I


     Operating Systems/utilities/databases/4GL:



        VSAM (with all forms of dataset organizations), IDCAMS

        DB2, SQL, QMF, SPUFI

        CICS (with VSAM and DB2 structures), BMS, CEDF, CEMT, CEBR, CECI

        Most of the popular debugging and data manipulation software tools



        Knowledgeware/ADW CASE tools 




          • Designed, programmed, tested, and implemented software for the following applications:

Cost accounting, G/L, Payroll, Accounts Receivable/Payable, Budgeting, Sales and Billing, Banking, Credit Card Processing, Statistical Analysis, Production Control Systems (Bill‑of‑materials, Inventory, Material Requirements Planning, Work‑in‑process), On‑line Data Entry/Collection Systems, On‑line Update/Inquiry Systems, On‑line Data Transmission Systems, Programmer Productivity Tools.

          • Implemented Packaged Software in the following areas:

Manufacturing, Banking, Credit Card Processing, Production Control.

          • Converted Software between different hardware/software platforms.

(Honeywell to UNISYS, UNISYS to IBM, inhouse software to package, package software to inhouse.)

            • Converted John Deere Credit Card Company’s software into Year2000 compliance.

            Managed a project to replace a bank’s 1200-terminal-ATM network’s host and client software.




          • Developed a complete credit card software for a financial company in 1982 and 1983, which software has provided a specialized credit card service to over 400 banks and over 1.5 million customers in 40 states, and which is more complex in relationship between banks, card holders and merchants than Visa/Master card. In addition to managing the project, personally developed all the essential programs of this system, from data entry and transmission to posting and statementing.

          • The Core Processing Programs in the above mentioned system were rated "Best Programs Ever Evaluated" in 1986 by a piece of software named "PATHVU" which automatically evaluates programs for structured design, redundancies, infinite loops, and other defects. As a matter of fact, during his five-year tenure as the sole software provider for the company, the system has run without any rerun caused by programmers or operators.

          • Voted "Employee of the Year" by the employees of a company where he developed software as a contractor.

          • As an employee of the United Bank (Madison, Wisconsin), awarded for perfect attendance in 1980, and for good performance in 1981.